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- Three-band flame module
- Dual Band Flame Module
- Single Band Flame Module
- 5.1umFlame sensor
- 4.3umFlame sensor
- 3.9umFlame sensor
- HW-HB100-2
- P816A
- 3mm LDR sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- PIR lens
- LHI968 PIR sensor
- PIR200BP Pyroelectric infrared sensor
- OEM all kinds of the PIR sensor module
- HW1004 PIR sensor Module
- HW8002 PIR sensor module
- HW-M10 microwave sensor module
- HW-HB100L
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Microwave Induction Series|flame transmitter|Thermal Sensor Series|Fresnel lens series|Three-band flame module, Dual Band Flame Module, Single Band Flame Module, 5.1umFlame sensor, 4.3umFlame sensor, 3.9umFlame sensor, HW-HB100L, HW-HB100-2, P816A, HW-HB100, S916 Digital sensor, HW-XC509, S917 Digital probe, S918 Digital probe, HW8002 PIR sensor module, HW-XC508 Microwave Induction Module, PIR203S, HW1004 PIR sensor Module, HW-MS03 Microwave Induction Module, PIR200BP Pyroelectric infrared sensor, HW-M21 Microwave Induction Module, RE200B PIR sensor, HW-N9MW Microwave Induction Module, LHI778 PIR sensor, HW-MD6 Microwave Induction Module, PIR300B PIR sensor, HW-MS01 Microwave Induction Module, Hemispherical lens the diameter below30mm lens, PIR500B PIR sensor, HW-MS07 Microwave Induction Module, PIR lens, PIR046B Quaternary probe, HW-M09-2 Microwave Induction Module, Rectangular PIR lens, KP506B PIR sensor, HW-M09 Microwave Sensor Module, Round sheet PIR lens, LHI878 PIR sensor, HW-M10-2 Microwave sensor module, LHI968 PIR sensor, Microwave sensor module, HW-M10 microwave sensor module, HW8003 PIR sensor module, OEM all kinds of the PIR sensor module, BISS0001(JX), BISS0001, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, MF52 NTC Thermistor, MF58 Thermistor, Patch type NTC, NSP power type NTC, PTC linear resistance, PTC resettable fuse, 3mm LDR sensor, 4mm LDR sensor, 5mm LDR sensor, 7mm LDR sensor , 12mm LDR sensor, 20mm LDR sensor, 5mm Metal shell photoresistor, 12mm Metal shell photoresistor, Photosensitive resistor rubber sleeve, Photoresist filter, HW3P-1 light sensor, HW3L-1 Light sensor, HW-5P-1 light sensor, HW5L-1 Photosensitive Sensor, HW5Y-1 Light Sensor, SMD photo sensor PO170, 4002C 8pin IC, HS6601, PMMA Solar concentrating lens, PMMA stage lens, PVC magnifier card, MZ11B, MZ12A, MZ12B, -
Gas sensors play an important role in recording and maintaining gas concentration in the environment to prevent gas leakage accidents., The smallest fingerprint recognition sensor is coming. It's too small to imagine., Realization of Automation System by Motor Control and Sensor, Application of ultra-low power CO2 sensor in building ventilation control system, Application of dissolved oxygen monitoring in sewage treatment project, Application of UAV-mounted Sensors in Monitoring Atmospheric Pollutants, Intelligent Safety Detection of Phosphine Gas in Grain Depot, Oxygen alarm is indispensable for safe operation, Chlorine hazard and Prevention, Gas sensors play an important role in recording and maintaining gas concentration in the environment to prevent gas leakage accidents., -
Company news |Industry news|Exhibition|智能家居人体红外传感器的入门了解, 人体感应模块离不开菲涅尔透镜, 热敏电阻测温电路故障和结构!, NTC负温度系数温度传感器工作原理, 看脸的社会,怎能少了人脸识别模块!, pm2.5粉尘传感器在汽车车厢空气循环中的智能应用, 光敏传感器的工作原理、注意事项和应用领域, LED洗墙灯的红外透镜要注意什么?, 微波传感器的原理特质与特点简介, 热释电人体红外传感器在电梯系统中的应用, 人体感应模块离不开菲涅尔透镜, 什么是热敏电阻漂移, 怎样就车检测发动机冷却液温度传感器的信号电压?, 你知道吗?人脸识别模块原来离你这么近, 人体感应模块 热释电人体红外线传感器在现代智能家居中应用原理, pm2.5粉尘传感器在汽车车厢空气循环中的智能应用, 光敏传感器光电特性特别说明, 红外透镜在商业照明中有着重要的意义, 微波传感器的原理简介, 火焰探测红外传感器的介绍及应用, 菲涅尔透镜如何开拓国际市场?, 热释电人体红外传感器及感应模块安装时需要注意的6个事项, 微波传感器应模块简介及适用范围, LED红外透镜光学透镜行业现状, 光敏传感器的组成及作用, 粉尘传感器在空调中的应用, 一种具有人体感应模块的LED灯的制作方法, 人脸识别模块锁模组简介, 半导体器件型温度传感器介绍, 热敏电阻电子体温计的设计怎样呢, 微波传感器照明开关控制器是什么?, PM2.5红外传感器模块简介, 人体感应模块在我们日常生活中应用广泛, 微波传感器探头主要作用, 温度传感器选用指南, 菲涅尔透镜有什么作用, 光敏传感器的工作原理, 菲涅尔透镜设计上来划分, 选择温湿度传感器需要注意的事项, 菲涅尔透镜在LED投光灯中的应用, 菲涅尔透镜是谁发明的?, 传统关于菲涅尔透镜介绍, 温度传感器在纺织品加工中的重要性, 菲涅尔透镜关键设备的设计制造及产业化, LED投光灯中菲涅尔透镜的应用, 菲涅尔透镜的原理和应用, 什么是菲涅尔透镜?, 菲涅尔透镜的基本原理, 菲涅尔透镜有什么作用, 选择温湿度传感器需要注意的事项, 怎样选择湿度传感器测量方案, 怎样选择湿度传感器测量方案, 湿度传感器的测量方法, 温度传感器为各种电子设备“保驾护航”, 温度传感器为各种电子设备“保驾护航”, 冰箱省电揭秘,温度传感器调节器档位是关键, 热敏电阻式温度传感器, 一体化温度传感器, 温度传感器的材料特性, 温度传感器工作原理, 人脸识别模块系统功能, 人脸识别模块在门禁系统中的应用, 人脸识别模块主要介绍, 启动热敏电阻的知识指南, 红外传感器在电梯系统中的应用, 热释电红外传感器的未来, 人体红外传感器, 四元集成数码红外传感器, Infrared sensor competition is worrying, Infrared sensor in the speed measurement application of infrared technology, What is a dust sensor?, Fresnel lens _ plane hidden, Principle and application of Fresnel lens, A brief introduction to the terminology of thermistors, Thermistor measurement method and steps, Main characteristics of thermistors, What is a thermistor? What are the uses and characteristics of thermistors?, Electronics: The Principle of Temperature Sensors, What is the principle of dust sensor?, The smallest fingerprint recognition sensor is coming. It's too small to imagine., Realization of Automation System by Motor Control and Sensor, Application of ultra-low power CO2 sensor in building ventilation control system, Application of dissolved oxygen monitoring in sewage treatment project, Application of UAV-mounted Sensors in Monitoring Atmospheric Pollutants, Intelligent Safety Detection of Phosphine Gas in Grain Depot, Oxygen alarm is indispensable for safe operation, Chlorine hazard and Prevention, -
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